
Sand dollar fossils echinoderm Miocene 4 per winner in display boxes

$ 7.91

Availability: 100 in stock


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Specimens of the
Sand dollar with e
ach winner
4 sand dollars in
4 display boxes ,sized approximately 1 to 1 1/2 inch wide by 1/8 to 3/8 inch deep,scooped from boxes as pictured.
Sand dollars,rotulidae
native to the Atlantic coast of Africa
, being extinct since the pliocene and
found in the fossil record along the Atlantic African coast since the Miocene
rotulid have a circular to oval-shaped test or body shell and indentations starting along the posterior edge,
indentations may remain restricted to the posterior edge, or they may reach to the anterior edges of the test. Depending on the individual, the indentations may be very shallow, or very deep, forming very long "fingers," or digits. While rotulids are very distinctive in appearance, they are also highly morphic, with a tremendous diversity seen in individual specimens. That the digits are very fragile, and prone to breaking off and regenerating only adds to individual variations.
In the genus
, the test has up to eleven indentations along the posterior edge, forming up to twelve digits.